REM - Nicotra Gebhardt


EU-försäkran om överensstämmelse enligt direktiv 2014/34

Detta gäller såväl elektrisk som mekanisk utrustning. The New ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU The previous ATEX Directive had not been updated and harmonized with other Directives that have been published since 1994 most notably the Machinery Directive and PED. Questions on the validity of the various Notified Bodies and the Quality of these ATEX 2014/34/EU is a “recast” of 94/9/EC without major change Results from the New Legislative Framework (NLF) Several directives are being aligned Not appropriate to integrate with IECEx at that time European Commission have followed the developments at UNECE with interest uppfyller ATEX-direktivet, ligga till grund för RISE certifiering. 1.3 CE-märkning enligt direktiv 2014/34/EU Rätten och skyldigheten för tillverkare att CE-märka produkter för explosionsfarlig miljö kan enligt direktiv 2014/34/EU med förekommande tillägg (ATEX-direktivet) uppnås bl a genom någon av nedanstående metoder a) – d). Declaration of Conformity for Assemblies under ATEX. As far as assemblies of ATEX equipment are concerned, if an assembly is to be treated as a new item of ATEX equipment the EC Declaration of Conformity needs only to identify the unit and the related information. ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU is a European directive which covers the design of all products used in potentially explosive atmospheres. As such, ATEX impacts on numerous industrial sectors and on the equipment that is installed in these areas.

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As far as assemblies of ATEX equipment are concerned, if an assembly is to be treated as a new item of ATEX equipment the EC Declaration of Conformity needs only to identify the unit and the related information. ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU is a European directive which covers the design of all products used in potentially explosive atmospheres. As such, ATEX impacts on numerous industrial sectors and on the equipment that is installed in these areas. Annex II of the new ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU provides essential health and safety requirements relating to the design and construction of the equipment. Equipment which falls under the scope of this Directive has to meet the -applicable- essential requirements in order to comply with the Directive. ATEX-direktivet (Europa-Parlamentets og Rådets direktiv 2014/34/EU) er delvist implementeret af Sikkerhedsstyrelsen i bekendtgørelse nr.

Beausir, J.-J. Fundenberger, Analysis Tools for Electron and X-ray diffraction, ATEX - software,, Université de Lorraine - Metz, 2017" I början av 90-talet såg man över Ex-skyddet inom EU. Man fann stora brister och skillnader! Beslut togs om att undanröja handelshinder, ta bort nationella avvikelser samt höja säkerheten inom hela EU. Detta resulterade i ATEX direktiven 94/9/EC (produkt/utrustningsdirektivet) samt 99/92/EC (arbetsmiljödirektivet).

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Electrical and non-electrical equipment for use in workplaces potentially at risk for explosive atmospheres must ensure a level of safety appropriate to the area of installation. In Europe this is enforced through the ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU.

RM - Sodeca

Ovanstående enhet är certifierad av Pentronic AB mot EU direktiv 94/9/EC. ATEX enligt direktiv Code II 2G. Pentronic är tredje-parts godkända av VTT Finland,  ATEX – brandfarliga fyllningsprodukter. Vad är ATEX? ATEX (Atmosphere Explosive) är två olika EU-direktiv som behandlar utrustningar och arbetsmiljö i  EU-direktiv som syftar till att minimera explosionsrisker på arbetsplatser genom korrekt hantering av explosiva substanser och potentiella antändningskällor. Glamox Ex armaturer är certifierade enligt IIC som är den strängaste av dem. ATEX Glamox armaturer är certifierade i hänvisning till EU:s ATEX direktiv (94/9/EC)

1.3 CE-märkning enligt direktiv 2014/34/EU Rätten och skyldigheten för tillverkare att CE-märka produkter för explosionsfarlig miljö kan enligt direktiv 2014/34/EU med förekommande tillägg (ATEX-direktivet) uppnås bl a genom någon av nedanstående metoder a) – d). Declaration of Conformity for Assemblies under ATEX. As far as assemblies of ATEX equipment are concerned, if an assembly is to be treated as a new item of ATEX equipment the EC Declaration of Conformity needs only to identify the unit and the related information. ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU is a European directive which covers the design of all products used in potentially explosive atmospheres. As such, ATEX impacts on numerous industrial sectors and on the equipment that is installed in these areas.
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överensstämmer med kraven i följande EU-direktiv: Direktiv 94/9/EG (ATEX, den 23 mars 1994) genom följande harmoniserade standarder:. Genom direktiv 94/9/EG (ATEX-direktivet), som är ett exempel på unionslagstiftningen om harmonisering, säkerställs fri rörlighet för produkter.

ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU is mandatory for manufacturers as of 20 April 2016 as stated in article 44 of the Directive.
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As of 20 April 2016, Directive 2014/34/EU, as transposed into the national legislation of the EU Member States, is the sole legal instrument applicable. ATEX SUPERVISION Standardisation • EU Commission mandate CEN and CENELEC to write standards “in support of the EHSRs” – In practice many are EN versions of IEC or ISO text • Mandated standards are reviewed by the EU Commission’s ATEX Consultant, to confirm the standard does support the EHSRs The EU declaration of conformity shall state that the fulfilment of the essential health and safety requirements set out in Annex II has been demonstrated. 2. The EU declaration of conformity shall have the model structure set out in Annex X, shall contain the elements specified in the relevant conformity assessment procedures set out in Annexes III to IX and shall be continuously updated. ‘ATEX’ replaced by UK Ex Scheme Only UKCA Issued ‘EX’ Certificates will be accepted from the 1 st January 2022 in the UK for products that previously required ATEX Notified Body Certification.. For ‘Ex’ products (formerly ATEX) only ‘UKCA Bodies’ (the UK equivalent of an ATEX Notified body) such as ExVeritas will be able to issue the appropriate certificates needed for entry to Although the ATEX regulations were originally drafted for the EU, they are becoming accepted as a worldwide standard of approval.

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QPS is an ATEX Notified Body, accredited by RvA in The Netherlands with many years of experience certifying equipment used in Explosive Atmospheres, including conformity assessments to ATEX Directive 2014/34/EU.

FLÄKTCOMP. directive for manufacturers. ATEX 100. After 30 June 2003 products may be placed on the market in the EU territory, freely  ATEX. Organisationer inom EU måste arbeta i enlighet med "The Directives for EU-direktiv 94/9/EC-ATEX 95 gäller produkter som har sin egen bränslekälla. ATEX-utrustningsdirektivet innehåller regler för säkerheten hos utrustningar och säkerhetssystem.